解剖学第一講座 第二代教授 山鳥崇先生 業績集
- Yamadori T et al. Scanning electron microscopic studies of the brain ventricular surface. (Editors, R. P. Becker and Om Johari ) SEM Inc., AMF O’Hare, IL, USA, pp. 823-830, 1978
- Yamadori T(Editor) Symposium on Postgraduate Medical Education in Britain and Japan, Kobe University School of Medicine, 1994
- 山鳥崇、斉藤宏学:グルタールアルデヒドによる一潅流固定法 電子顕微鏡試料技術集(日本電子顕微鏡学会関東支部編)誠文堂新光社 pp. 299-300, 1970.
- 山鳥崇:上衣細胞 人体組織学(橋本一成、山元寅男編)朝倉書店 pp. 141-149, 1984
- 山鳥崇:新エスカ21 解剖生理学(栄養学、食品学、健康教育研究会編) 同文書院 pp. 119-138, pp. 159-199, 1987
- 山鳥崇:14章 聴覚、前庭系の中枢 臨床耳鼻咽喉科頭頚部外科全書 基礎22(野村恭也編)金原出版 pp. 291-320, 1988
- 山鳥崇:実習で学ぶ解剖学 金原出版 1989
- 山鳥崇、梅谷健彦:実習で学ぶ骨学 金原出版 1989
- 山鳥崇:視覚器と眼窩および平衡聴覚器 ヴォルフ人体解剖学アトラス(内野滋雄他 編)西村書店 pp. 546-559, 1993
- 山鳥崇:健康をまもる解剖学 近代文芸社 1993
- 山鳥崇:Neuro-Endoscope 開発の歴史 Neuro-Endoscopic Surgery 神経内視鏡の基礎知識と手技(佐藤修、大井静雄編) 三輪書店 1996
- 山鳥崇、上川秀士:側脳室 Neuro-Endoscopic Surgery 神経内視鏡の基礎知識と手技(佐藤修、大井静雄編) 三輪書店 1996
- 山鳥崇、上川秀士、乾明夫:脳室鏡の世界 解剖学者が語る「人体の世界」 日本解剖学会編)風人社 1996
- 山鳥崇:実用神経解剖学 金原出版 1996
- 山鳥崇:VTRの脳実習への応用について 医学の歩み, 78 (83):158, 1971.
- 山鳥崇:脳室の構造 脳と神経 33(9): 879-887,1981
- 山鳥崇:上衣細胞 神経研究の進歩 27(1): 99-110, 1983
- 木村正史、山鳥崇:ギリシャ神話由来の医学英語について(1)神戸大学医療技術短期大学部紀要 9: 1-17, 1993
- Takeda, H., Yamadori, T. and Kamijyo, Y. The study on the difference of normal sagittalis between Japanese and northern Chinese. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 6(1): 27-33, 1960.
- Takeda, H., Nakamura, K. and Yamadori, T. The comparative anatomical study on the cerebellum. Kobe University Kiyou 1-12, 1960.
- Takeda, H., Nakamura, K. and Yamadori, T. The comparative anatomical study on the cerebellum in passeriformes. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 7(1): 51-70, 1961.
- Yamadori, T. The development study on the thalamic nuclei in Japanese fetus. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 7(3): 183-207, 1961.
- Yamadori, T. Die Entwicklung des Thalamuskerns mit ihren ersten Fasersystemen bei menschlichen Embryonen. J. Hirnforschung 7(5): 393-413, 1965.
- Yamadori, T. Efferent fibers of the habenula and stria medullaris thalami in rats Expl. Neurol. 25(4): 541-558, 1969.
- Yamadori, T. A light and electron microscopic study on the development of spinal ganglia in rats. Acta. Anat. Nippon. 45(4): 191-205, 1970.
- Yamadori, T. A scaning electron microscopic observation of the choroid plexus in rats. Arch. Histol. Jap. 35(1): 89-97, 1972.
- Yamadori, T. An experimental anatomical study of the fasciculus mamillothalamicus in rats. J. Hirnforsch. 13(6):457-467, 1973.
- Yamadori, T., Imamura, Y. and Miura, M. A ventriculoscope and its application for experimental neuroanatomy. Endoscopy 6(15): 123-126, 1974.
- Yamadori, T. and Yagihasi, S. A scanning and transmission electron microscopic observation of the fourth ventricular floor in the mouse. Arch. Histol. Jap. 37(5): 415-432, 1975.
- Yamadori, T. The diretions of ciliary beat on the wall of the fourth ventricule in the mouse. Arch. Histol. Jap. 40(4): 283-296 ,1977.
- Yamadori, T. An experimental anatomical study on the optic nerve fiber in the rat by using a new selective silver impregnation technique: termination of main optic tract. Okajima Folia Anat. Jap. 54(4): 229-246, 1977.
- Yamadori, T. A simplified method for selective silver impregnation of degenerative axons and their terminals in the central nervous system. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 23(1-4):1-5, 1977.
- Yamadori, T. Scanning electron microscopic studies of the ciliary beat on the wall of the brain ventricle and spherical structure on the wall of the cantral canal .Scanning Electron Microscopy 2: 823-830, 1978.
- Yamadori, T., Imamura, Y. and Miura, M. The termination and pattern of localized distribution of the optic nerve fibers in rats. Hirosaki Med. J. 27(1): 48-71, 1979.
- Yamadori, T. and Nara, K. The directions of ciliary beat on the wall of the lateral ventricle and currents of the cerebrospinal fluid in the brain ventricles. Scanning Electron Microscopy 3: 335-340, 1979.
- Takahashi, H. and Yamadori, T. Electron microscope study on the contact of neural crest cells in the early stage of migration in bantam embryos. Arch. Histol. Jap.42(5): 551-561, 1979.
- Yamadori, T. and Yamaguchi, K. Uncrossed retinal fibers terminating in the superior colliculus of the albino rat. Neurosci. Lett. 22(1): 11-15, 1981.
- Yamadori, T. An experimental anatomical study on the topographic termination of the optic nerve fibers in the Rat. J. Hirnforsch. 22(3): 313-326, 1981.
- Yamadori, T., Sukekawa, K., Umetani, T. and Yamadori, A. A quantitative study on the left-right asymmetry of the planum temporale. Okajima Folia Anat. Jap.56(4-6): 627-634, 1982.
- Yamaguchi, K. and Yamadori, T. Retinal projection on to the inferior colliculus in the rat. Acta Anatomica, 114(4): 355-360, 1982.
- Yamadori, T. and Yamaguchi, K. An experimental anatomical study on the optic nerve fibers in the rat: Courses of the accessory optic tract. Brain Res. 269 (1): 41-46, 1983.
- Yamaguchi, K., Yamadori, T., Umetani, T. and Hanabusa, H. Course of the accessory optic fascicular fibers in the rat Neurosci. Lett. 40(3): 215-220, 1983.
- Umetani, T., Ishimoto, Y. and Yamadori, T. A case of the right subclavian artery as the last branchof the aortic arch. Acta Anat. Nippon. 58(6): 626-629, 1983.
- Yamauchi, K., Hanabusa, H. and Yamadori, T. Modified technique of Mesulams tetramethylbenzitine method to prevent fading of the color of the reaction produc.Okajima Folia Anat. Jap. 60(6):409-414, 1984.
- Mita, T., Yamadori, T., Mizoi, Y. and Tanaka, C. Decreased serotonin S2 and increased Dopamine D2 receptors in chronic schizophrenics Biological Psychiatry21(14): 1407-1414, 1986.
- Hirai, M., Kitamura, N., Hashimoto, T., Nakai, T., Mita, T., Shirakawa, O., Yamadori, T., Amano, T., Noguchikuro, S. and Tanaka, C. [3H] GBR-12935 binding sites in human striatal membranes: Binding characteristics and changes in Parkinsonians and Schizophrenics. Japan J. Pharmacol. 47(3): 237-243, 1988.
- Yamadori, T., Nakamura, T. and Takami, K. A study on the retinal ganglion cell which has an uncrossed bifurcating axon in the albino rat. Brain Res. 48(1/2): 143-148, 1989.
- Tabuchi, T., Umetani, T. and Yamadori, T. Corticonuclear and corticovestibular projections from the uvula in the albino rat: differential projections from sublobuli of the uvula. Brain Res. 492(1): 176-186, 1989
- Yamadori, T., Sugioka, K. and Ishimoto, Y. A study on the brain structures related to conditioned emotional response by means of [14C]2-deoxy-d-glucose method . Kobe J. Med. Sci. 37(3) 111-127, 1991.
- Dong, K., Rahman, H. A. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde fluorescence double-labeling study of the cat’s optic nerve cell which has a bifurcating axon. Acta Anat. Nippon. 67(3): 207-213, 1992.
- Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. A developmental study of reflex and activity in rats with microcephaly induced by prenatal methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM) treatment. Congenital Anomalies 32(2): 143-151, 1992.
- Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. A [14C]2-DG Study of Brain Structures Related to Conditioned Emotional Response in the Rat. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 38(4): 255-270, 1992
- Moriya, T. and Yamadori, T. Correlative Study of the Morphology and Central Corrections of Ipsilaterally projecting Retinal Ganglion Cells in the Albino Rat.Experi. Eye Res. 56(1): 79-83, 1993.
- Rahman, H. A., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. Unique course of the ovarian artery associated with other variations J. Anat. (London) 182(2): 287-290, 1993.
- Rahman, H. A., Sakurai, A., Dong, K., Setsu, T., Umetani, T. and Yamadori, T. The retroesophageal subclavian artery – A case report and review. Acta Anat. Nippon. 68(3): 281-287, 1993.
- Takami, K., Sakurai, A., Mukai, A. and Yamadori, T. A further study on the left-right asymmetry of the planum temporale. Okajima Folia Anat. Jap. 70(2/3): 59-61, 1993.
- Rahman, H. A. and Yamadori, T. An anomalous cleido-occipitalis muscle. Acta Anat. 150(2): 156-158, 1994.
- Suzuki, H., Nagashima, T., Fujita, K., Tamaki, N., Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. Cerebral ischemia alters glucose transport kinetics across rat brain microvascular endthelium, quantitative analysis by an in situ brain perfusion method. J. Auton. Nerv. Syst. 49, 173-176, 1994.
- Rahman, H. A. and Yamadori, T. A study of the motor neuron pool of the superior rectus muscle in albino rats by retrograde fluorescent double labeling technique.Kobe J. Med. Sci. 40(3/4): 77-90, 1994.
- Rahman, A. H. and Yamadori, T. A study on the projection patternes of aberrant retinal ganglion cells in the albino rat. Okajima Folia Anat. Jap. 71(4): 249-258, 1994.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Sugioka, K., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. A study of double-labeled retinal ganglion cells from the superior colliculus in the developing albino rat. Dev. Brain Res. 85(1): 71-79, 1995.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde double-labeling study of retinal ganglion cells that project ipsilaterally to vLGN and LPN rather than dLGN and SC, in albino rat. Brain Res, 674(2): 275-282, 1995.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde double-labeling study of uni- and bilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells that project to superior colliculi after unilateral eye removal at birth in the albino rat. Brain Res., 704(2): 307-312, 1995.
- Dong, K., Qu, T., Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Setsu, T., Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. Bifurcated projections of retinal ganglion cells to the bilateral lateral geniculate nuclei in the cat. Brain Res., 703: 231-236, 1995.
- Guison, N. G., Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. Projections from lateral mammillary nucleus to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus to the anterodorsal thalamic nucleus in the rat. Kobe J. Med. Sci., vol ? no. ? pages ?-? 1995
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. Afferent projections to the cingulate cortex in the albino rats by retrograde labeling method using Fluorogold. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 41(6): 247-255, 1995.
- Dong, K., Qu, T., Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Guison, N. G. and Yamadori, T. Bifurcated projections from the retinal ganglion cells to the primary visual targets (SC and dLGN) in the cat. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 41(6):221-234, 1995.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K., Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. Afferent projections to the cingulate cortex in the albino rats: A study with a retrograde labeling method using Fluoro-Gold. Kobe J Med Sci. 41(6):247-255, 1995.
- Qu, T., Dong, K., Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. Demonstration of direct imput from the retina to the lateral habenular nucleus in the albino rat. Brain Res. 709: 251-258, 1996.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. Correlation between different types of retinal ganglion cells and their projection pattern in the albino rat. Brain Res. 706(1): 163-168, 1996.
- Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Guison, N. G. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde fluorescent-labeling study of direct relationship between the limbic (anterodorsal and anteroventral thalamic nuclei) and the visual system in the albino rat. Brain Res. Brain Res., 729(1):119-123, 1996
- Dong, K., Farid Ahmed, A. K. M., Qu, T. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde fluorescent double-labeling study of bilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells in albino rats at different stage of development. Brain Res Dev Brain Res, 95(1): 55-62, 1996.
- Dong, K., Qu, T., Farid Ahmed,A. K. M., Guison, N. G. and Yamadori, T. Fluoro-green and Fluoro-red: two new fluorescent retrograde tracers that have many unique properties. Brain Res Brain Res., 736(1-2):61-67, 1996.
- Qu, T., Dong, K. Setsu, T., Sugioka, K. and Yamadori, T. The origin of afferents to the habenular nuclei in the rat demonstrated by a method of fluorescent retrograde cell-labeling with Fluoro-Gold. Brain Res., 709(2):251-58, 1996.
- Kamikawa, S., Inui, A., Miyake, S., Kobayashi, N., Kasuga, Yamadori, T. and Tamaki, N. Neuroendoscopic surgery for brain abscess.Eur J Paediatr Neurol.1(4):121-122, 1997.
- Imagawa, M. and Yamadori, T. Phylogenetic development of brain and brain sulci in primates. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 42(1): 61-72, 1996.
- Omori, O., Umetani, T., Sugioka, K., Dong, K., Setsu, T. and Yamadori, T. A case of bilateral superficial brachial arteries which continued to the radial arteries in the forearm. Kobe J. Med. Sci. 42(2):105-109, 1996.
- Farid Ahmed A. K. M., Guison, N. G., Dong, K. and Yamadori, T. A retrograde double-labeling study of ipsilaterally projecting retinal ganglion cells after unilateral eye removal at birth in the albino rat Brain Res. 704(2):307-312, 1996
- Inui, A., Kamikawa, S., Miyake, S., Yamamoto, K., Momose, K., Ueno, N., Nakajima, M., Baba, S., Kasuga, M., Tamaki, N. and Yamadori, T. Development of flexible ventriculoscope (Yamadori-type VII ) and its application to experimental animals. J Neurosci Methods. 75(1):1-3, 1997
- 山鳥崇、佐古一穂、今泉健二郎、春日隣男、平田彰、池田駿太郎:猫小脳核生後発達の解剖学的研究 神戸医大紀要 15(1): 7-16, 1959.
- 山鳥崇、佐古一穂、池田駿太郎、平田彰、春日隣男、木村文子、岸昌二:猫小脳核深度地図 神戸医大紀要 16(3): 223-243, 1959.
- 山鳥崇、平田彰、岸昌二、大道信告、岩田卓延:日本人及び北支那人頭蓋骨側面積の差異についての知見補遺 神戸医大紀要 16(4) 844-849, 1959.
- 中村和成、山鳥崇、堀井健吉、大道信告 鳥類小脳の比較的解剖学的研究 第二報 紅冠鳥、さくらすずめ 神戸医大紀要 18(2): 337-343, 1960.
- 山鳥崇、佐古一穂、沢田務、谷口浩、大道信告 家島本島人の体質人類学的研究 神戸医大紀要 18(2) : 641-649, 1961.
- 山鳥崇、春日隣男、山県直造、鈴木幸子:妊娠後期日本人胎児の計測的研究(体重、脳重及び座高について) 神戸医大紀要 22(3) 450-453, 1961.
- 山鳥崇、高嶋準二、高島哲:重複上大静脈の一例について 解剖学雑誌 41(4) pages ? 1966.
- 山鳥崇:電顕標本作製のための-潅流固定法 弘前医学 21(4) pages?, 1970.
- 山鳥崇:シロネズミ脊髄神経節の微細構造 弘前医学 21(4) 587-600, 1970.
- 山鳥崇、今村義典、高橋等:可橈性の定位による病巣作製法 医学の歩み 82(3): 125-136, 1972.
- 山鳥崇:神経線維に見られるcoreをもったmicrotubalesについて 弘前医学 24(1) 113-120, 1972.
- 山鳥崇、今村義典、高橋等:新しい脳室鏡を用いての実験的病巣作製法について 弘前医学 24(2) 268-271, 1972.
- 山鳥崇、今村義典、高橋等:動物実験用ファイバースコープによる脳室内観察と凝固巣作製について 脳と神経 24(11) 1477-1480, 1972.
- 山鳥崇、今村義典、人見正浩:シロネズミ視神経の終止について 弘前医学 25(2): 261-271, 1973.
- 山鳥崇、三浦正雄、今村義典、加知輝彦:シロネズミ視神経線維の終止部位における局在性について 弘前医学 25(4): 498-511, 1974
- 山鳥崇:視神経線維の変性過程について 神緑会学術誌 1(1): 9-15, 1974.
- 三浦正雄、山鳥崇:ハツカネズミ用潅流固定装置とそれを用いての固定法について 弘前医学 27(3): 523-528, 1975.
- 山鳥崇:変性神経線維の新しい鍍銀法について 解剖学雑誌 50(5) 262-266, 1975.
- 山鳥崇、大西道祥、助川幸一、梅谷健彦 上側頭回後部、角回及び縁上回によって構成される領域の左右差に関する計測的研究 解剖学雑誌 53(2): 180-185, 1978.
- 山鳥崇:脳室表面の線毛打と脳脊髄液の流れ 臨床病理 27(6): 451-456, 1979.
- 梅谷健彦、山内高円、山鳥崇:尺側浅前腕動脈の一例について 神戸大学医学部紀要42(4): 33-36, 1981.
- 金谷整亮、梅谷健彦、山鳥崇、大野修、広畑和志:オートラジオグラフィーを用いたラット膝関節の知覚神経分布 整形外科基礎科学 9(1): 45-48, 1982.
- 山鳥崇、杉岡幸三、中村聡子、梅谷健彦:脳内における記憶関連部位の検索 神緑会学術誌 2: 90-94, 1986.
- 山鳥崇、杉岡幸三:条件反応時における脳内活動部位の解剖学的検索-心理学と解剖学の橋渡し- 異常行動研究会誌 25: 47-55, 1986.
- 山鳥崇、薛富義、豊田喜唯:解剖体収集の現状と神戸大学のじぎく会の活動 神緑会学術誌 8: 150-153, 1992.
- 山田耕士、董凱、山鳥崇:ラットにおける後頭葉視覚野(Area 17)の各部位と外側膝状体(dLGN)との対応 神戸大学医学部紀要 Vol (?): ?-?, 1996
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